Thanks for the positive comments. I know that a few have asked for the source material -and I want everyone to know this is coming. We have to protect our sources, which is one reason I did not release this immediately as a JW Survey article. In fact - this was never meant to be an article. It was just a post that was intended for a different Facebook group. But I ended up just writing it all in a few minutes and posting it on my timeline, to express some feelings I had after reviewing many many hours of inside JW organizational videos. These JW materials quite honestly give me the creeps at times, as they focus so much on numbers, procedures, and obedience to the organization.
Some of the things I said would be things that I personally would have found hard to believe 5 or 10 years ago, when I was still in the organization. But having lived through that beaurocracy, and now seeing it from the outside, it is not surprising at all.
We will be seeing this source material released in the very near future, and I appreciate the patience of everyone who has asked where some of this info originated. There are many sources for the many leaks we receive, and I thank all of them for their willingness to make this religion as transparent as possible.
I will try to answer as many questions as I can. For those asking about the JW database - I will say that the organization has had several databases in use for several years now - such as the builder assist database of construction volunteers and overseers. I personally have exported such data from one overseer account, with over 2,000 personal files containing names, addresses, dates of birth and baptism, phone numbers, congregation and other information - and this was just for one small state.
In other words, I have proof of the data they are keeping on individuals. I find this to be a violation of my personal privacy, and most Witnesses do not know how much data is stored at the organizational HQ level.
Stay tuned, more to come on this subject